Alright... im not one for long wordy posts. I will keep it short! A while back we hired the wonderfully talented Allyson Powell. Easily one of the brightest and most talented shooters I have been around. She was also our nerve center. Handling anything and everything that came in and out of our main office. Unfortunately for us, she has moved on to pursue a career as a full time photographer. And I am so excited for her. It is bitter sweet of course but I know she will be successful. In fact check out some of her work here. I told you, amazing. Anyways, that brings me to our next point. We are so excited to announce the hiring of Janette Albury. We were blessed to be a part of JD and Janette's wedding last Feb. I am SO excited to have her as a part of our team. She will be handling all of our day to day operation. And basically making sure SSP doesn't go down in flames. No pressure. I have had the pleasure of working with some of the most talented people I know. And its our team that makes our joint venture successful. And Janette is no exception. If you need anything from her, or just want to drop her a line and say hey, do it at